Anna Kiparis + RuptureXIBIT(+Studio)
Lawless Imagination

RuptureXIBIT(+Studio) is a platform that places great importance on the process of an artist's development. The Lawless Imagination exhibition is a vivid example of how observing each other's projects refines individual directions and enhances sensitivity to the context. Over 45 artists from different countries participated in the exhibition. During internal meetings and the closing event, performances and readings of texts and poetry took place. Under the guidance of the artists from Rupture Studio, Kate, Sally, and Olivia, cross-critique and discussions of works occurred richly and productively. Anna Kiparis presented the series "Passions of the Cows," touching upon several important issues regarding the relationship between art and religion, similar to how fiction relates to religious texts. The performativity of reading a book in everyday routine and various other questions became the starting point for the artist's future projects.

Explore Lawless Imagination Catalogue

Host: RuptureXIBIT (+Studio)

Event and photo: Lawless Imagination

Place: Kingston upon Thames

Anna Kiparis ©
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